Sunday, November 9, 2008

FInding New Ways for Business

well it's hard time everywhere companies are aiming for more and more cost cutting...

mantra now a days is "HOld What you have -- nothing else"

just find new ways to grow the business. currently it seems their is no problem but what in future ..
wait and watch..
well i am targetting co-operatives and government projects more...

but as usual i am not getting the results soon..

so waiting for something to happen... their will be a day when i will get for what i am working hard.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Statistics with SPSS

well i learnt statistics for two years in college but could not understand the application and how we can use it in research..

but i attended a workshop in HRD in S.G.U .
the work shop was so fine and after it i got so much info and i think this will improve my Thesis which will be completed in this few days....
but this type of workshops must be arranged on regular basis by all depretments to improve student studies...


Friday, August 15, 2008

15th August 2008

hey toaday i got a good idea to start my own blog...
well for today i got an oppurtunity to celebrate Independence day with a school (Asharam sala ) at ajarai..(the school of adivasi children)

the celebration was so nice... and the performance of students in various program were amazing..
the best performace was of a"gandi nrutya" any one who shows it will love it..
the boys and girls also performed at vibrant gujarat when narendra modi also admired the dance...

i just thaught i should also help them to learn modern technologies and i am planning for that...